Everything to Everybody Festival Project
Birmingham Bullring (Saturday 21st October 2023)
‘Everything to Everybody’ Project invited K'antu Ensemble to spend the day delivering a range of historical dance workshops and performances in Birmingham's Bullring Shopping Centre, to celebrate the end of the First Folio Tour.
Shoppers of all ages enjoyed learning a range of different choreographies including Elizabeth I's favourite, the Galliard.
Historical Music & Dance Workshops
K’antu Ensemble have created a Family Fun Day unlocking the musical secrets of Birmingham’s Shakespeare Memorial Library with their lively performances of Shakepearean songs and dances inspired by the collection.
Between performances you can solve Shakespearean puzzles and explore the library collections by designing a playbill using images from the Library’s collection.
Admire views of the city on the Discovery Terrace before creating your own Elizabethan Ruff to wear at our Shakespearean Ceillidh led by the Nonsuch Dancers.
Photo Gallery